Monday, June 7, 2010

The Poor Americans

I found this piece of news on

"Helen Thomas retires after Israel remarks"

(Reuters) - Veteran White House journalist Helen Thomas, who has covered every president since John F. Kennedy, abruptly retired on Monday amid a storm of criticism over her controversial remarks about Israel.

The departure of Thomas, 89, as a Hearst Newspapers columnist was announced after she was captured on video saying Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine" and suggesting they go "home" to Germany, Poland or the United States.

The comments drew widespread condemnation, including from the White House.

Thomas, long considered the dean of the White House press corps, apologized for her statements, recorded in an impromptu interview dated May 27 and posted on the website

The controversy prompted Thomas to be dropped by her public speaking agency and also led to the cancellation of her plans to deliver a high school commencement address in suburban Washington.

"Helen Thomas announced Monday that she is retiring, effective immediately," Hearst News Service reported. "Her decision came after her controversial comments about Israel and the Palestinians were captured on videotape and widely disseminated on the Internet." Read the rest here...

Well, all that I can say is, the poor Americans. At least, the Americans who are not Jewish.

Americans love to view their country as all powerful, most influential, etc., etc. The reality of it, however, is that currently nothing gets done within that country that doesn't please the Jews. They say that they enjoy great press freedom there. But when the Zionists started butchering people on the flotilla to Gaza, I googled the news and couldn't find one mention in the American papers. Maybe I didn't google it correctly, that's why I only got news from other countries.

And now, Helen Thomas, who I must admit I have never heard of until today, gets the sack after having served decades as a journalist. Just because she voices what she really thinks. So much for free speech. So much for press freedom.

Poor Helen. She probably knew the journalists butchered by the Zionists.

Some readers of the article commented that she deserved to get the sack because she was exercising not only her freedom of speech, but hate speech.

Again, poor Americans. The Jewish lobbies and media have manipulated that term "hate speech" to such an extent that anyone who doesn't toe the line is branded a mini-Hitler.

Oh well. Too bad for the Jews. They've over-exerted their muscle this time. I bet you, all over the US of A, good, law-abiding Americans have begun to question, "Who the hell are these people to control what we say or do?"

It won't happen overnight, but as a reader commented,

"Welcome to J’America. …Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and Ariana Huffington, what are your takes on this? If you make contributions favouring Palestinian perspective, you are branded anti-Semite and terrorist, and possibly loose all your life’s work, like Ed “Asner”. But Jews get to brand every decent human being opposed to their viewpoint as terrorist slated for destruction. Where is the fairness in expression? No one should have any fear, we’ve been here before. When the tides change, Jews will not find enough places to hide. Trust me, America will wake up to the reality of their oppressive agenda, and opinions will change overnight. ..."
Ah... how eagerly I await that day.

Oh, should a Zionist or Zionist supporter happen to read this, you can rant and rage or express sadness at my supposed ignorance or imbecility, I really don't care. 'Cuz one day, the world will have your ass on a platter.

It's A Dirty Job; Why Did We Let Them Do It?

In today's news, Interior Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin (DSH) urged those who criticized the Government's decision to legalize gambling to come forward with their own suggestions on how to eliminate the vice.

He said (to the effect of), "Rather than raising a ruckus outside, the state governments in question could cooperate with the Ministry by providing suggestions so that the government could make the proper decisions in eliminating this black economy."

Dear DSH,

Is the ministry really devoid of ideas on how to accomplish this that you have to ask from the state governments? Of course, two heads are better than one, and three are better than two, but shouldn't all the potential mechanisms have been worked on at the ministry level? The way DSH is putting things it's as if no thoughts had been spared for this in the first place.

And why the need to abolish only illegal gambling? You might argue that gambling is a culture for the non-Muslims, especially the Chinese in this country. But does that make it right? I have basically lost count of how many times The Star has showcased the plight of families struck by gambling fathers or sons or mother or daughters. Almost without fail, these addicts clean out all the money they have access to, even if the money belongs in part to their spouses. Then they go to the Ah Longs, our infamous interest-hungry sharks, and take out massive loans.

When they do go to the sharks, then without fail, they will lose their money, and they will be hunted down like dogs. The sad part is that the family, who had nothing to do with it, falls victim as well.

Basically, in its ham-fisted efforts to abolish illegal gambling, the Government decided it would be OK to make this sort of thing legal. Families can now suffer with peace of mind, since their gambling family member was in fact participating in Government-approved activities. They'll lose the shirts off their backs and lose the food from their mouths because the Government made it OK.

Is it OK to let this happen to the people you are responsible for? Whatever race you are, whatever religion you are, I do not see how you could answer anything other than "NO".

Something else that bugs me. I fail to understand how Ministers who are Muslims could have let this idea take off the ground in the first place. Don't you know that gambling is Haram (Not Permissible, in case you've forgotten) in Islam? Or did you just not care?

Governing is a huge responsibility. It demands that governors deal with unpleasant issues and, with sights set on the long term, get to the bottom of it even if it means being unpopular. It's a dirty job, and you have to really strong.

So why do we get people who are really bad at it?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"How dare they be smart?!" Khalid Samad surely thinks

I refer to this news piece in The Star, in which Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad questioned the police questioning eyewitness Azamuddin three times over.

Samad said, “Is there an agenda? I fear the police are deliberately questioning him to find inconsistencies in his story,” said Khalid, adding that the police might then accuse the boy of being an unreliable witness.

Mr Khalid - and I don't care for any title you might have because it's evident you don't deserve any - it's the police's job to find inconsistencies. It is a basic part of policing so that justice can be served. If someone accuses you, Mr Khalid, of sexually assaulting his entire flock of goats, then the police must question him to verify his claims, if only to clear you of any charges.

If they do not try to find any inconsistencies in his claims, then by default you would immediately be found guilty. They'd sentence you to be locked up with angry, diseased pitbulls for 10 years without parole (yes, I'm aware this is not a Malaysian concept, thank you).

I wonder if it's too much to hope that Mr Khalid will cease his brand of idiocy.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Terkejut ye...

I am torn between raging anger and incredulity with this piece of news:

Benjy ke pusat pemulihan akhlak

Azean Irdawaty mengatakan sesuatu kepada peguam, Amir Hamzah (kiri) sambil di perhatikan suaminya, Khairil Anuar (kanan) di Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur, semalam.

KUALA LUMPUR 5 Mei - Belum sempat keputusan terhadap permohonan habeas corpus Benjy (gambar) diketahui, ahli keluarganya yang hadir di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini 'dikejutkan' dengan makluman bahawa pelakon itu telah dihantar ke Pusat Pemulihan Akhlak (PPA), Muar, Johor, pagi ini.

Kemasukan anak lelaki tunggal pelakon veteran, Azean Irdawaty ke PPA selama dua tahun dibuat setelah Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) mengarahkan Benjy ditahan mengikut Seksyen 6(1) Akta Dadah Berbahaya (Langkah-Langkah Pencegahan Khas - LLPK) 1985.

Surat arahan terhadap Benjy atau Khaireyll Benjamin Ibrahim, 31, itu ditandatangani oleh Timbalan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop.

Perkara tersebut dimaklumkan oleh Peguam Kanan Persekutuan, Najib Zakaria sebelum Hakim Datuk Mohd. Sofian Abd. Razak membacakan keputusan permohonan habeas corpus itu.

Sebelum ini, Benjy telah berada dalam tahanan mengikut Seksyen 3 LLPK yang membolehkannya ditahan selama 60 hari selepas dia dibebaskan dengan ikat jamin sebanyak RM2,000.

Jaminan itu dibuat selepas Benjy mengaku tidak bersalah di Mahkamah Majistret atas tuduhan memiliki seberat 0.24 gram methamphetamine di sebuah premis beralamat A-6-5 di Menara Duta 2, Jalan 1/38B Off Jalan Segambut di sini pada 4 petang, 11 Mac lalu.

Umpama jatuh ditimpa tangga, permohonan habeas corpus yang difailkan pada 8 April itu juga ditolak oleh mahkamah.

Hakim Mohd. Sofian dalam keputusannya bersetuju dengan hujah pihak responden bahawa penahanan semula Benjy adalah sah dan pelakon itu mengetahui alasan dia ditahan semula.

Benjy memfailkan permohonan itu selepas tidak berpuas hati dengan penahanannya di bawah LLPK pada 25 Mac lalu. Dia menamakan Ketua Polis Negara, Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Kerajaan Malaysia sebagai pihak responden.

Selain Najib, pihak responden diwakili dua lagi Peguam Kanan Persekutuan iaitu Zafran Zafri dan Mahmud Abdullah.

Terdahulu, selepas mengetahui bahawa anak guamnya telah dihantar ke PPA, peguam Amer Hamzah Arshad menyatakan, tindakan KDN mengeluarkan perintah tahanan itu sehari sebelum keputusan permohonan habeas corpus dibuat jelas menunjukkan niat jahat responden.

''Melalui notis tahanan yang diserahkan kepada saya juga, jelas menunjukkan anak guam saya tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan yang diambil kerana dia tidak menandatangani notis tersebut.

''Sepatutnya, satu afidavit baru difailkan supaya pihak-pihak boleh berhujah mengenai perkara ini,'' katanya yang jelas berang dengan arahan terbaru KDN itu.

Mengakui hanya mengetahui mengenai pengeluaran notis itu pagi ini, Mahmud bagaimanapun menafikan bahawa wujud niat jahat di sebalik arahan tersebut.

Amer Hamzah ketika ditemui selepas tamat prosiding memberitahu, pihaknya akan memfailkan rayuan terhadap keputusan hari ini dan permohonan habeas corpus baru terhadap penahanan Benjy di bawah Seksyen 6 akta itu.

Azean yang ditemani oleh suami dan anak-anak perempuannya pula dengan tenang memberitahu, dia tidak faham kenapa Benjy perlu dihantar ke pusat pemulihan berkenaan.

''Apa yang teruk sangat Benjy tu sampai kena hantar ke sana? Kalau nak hantar pun, benarkanlah Kak Yan jumpa Benjy sekejap. Kak Yan ni penghidap kanser tahap empat, kalau mati sebelum sempat jumpa Benjy, siapa nak tanggung dosa?

''Masing-masing ada ibu, ada emak dan ada anak. Faham-fahamlah sendiri. Allah Maha Berkuasa, kita tengoklah apa akan berlaku,'' ujarnya dengan tenang sebelum berlalu pergi.

Dramatis itu juga memberitahu, dia ingin bertemu Benjy kerana ingin memberikan ubat-ubatan kepada anak lelakinya itu yang mempunyai penyakit asma dan darah tinggi.

My anger stems from her statement "Apa yang teruk sangat Benjy tu sampai kena hantar ke sana?" (Trans: "What is so bad about Benjy that he must be sent there?")

For God's sake woman! Your son was arrested for having a drug lab. He made drugs. His livelihood causes pain and suffering to other families. What's wrong with that, you ask?

Woman, I don't know you, I don't know your family, but I do know that neither you nor your family have got any right to ruin other people's lives just to make money.

Still, the case is still being heard, so let's leave it at that. May the entire truth come to light. Should the truth turns out that Benjy is guilty, I hope to God they throw the book at him.